
On the Korean War, Marine patrol closes in on a Korean hut in search of a Communist sniper offering stubborn resistance in front-line action, September 24, 1951. The feet of an enemy casualty are visible in the doorway. Defense Department photo, Marine Corps.

   During the Korean War, on September 23, 1951, UN forces advanced several kilometers north of the 38th parallel on the Korean peninsula and engaged North Korean forces for nearly three weeks; on September 24, US Marines closed in on a Korean hut to sweep for Communist snipers who were stubbornly resisting on the front lines. At the entrance to the huts, the lower limbs of the bodies of slain North Korean war dead could be seen.

 On September 13, 1951, the battle of "Heartbreak Ridge," the next ridge north of "Bloody Ridge," was opened by the U.S. Army's 2nd Infantry Division north of the 38th parallel. After nearly 30 days of fighting, the area was secured by U.S. forces on October 15, 1951, with 3,745 casualties. Both sides suffered heavy losses, making it the last major offensive conducted by UN forces in the Korean War.

 On April 11, 1951, President Truman dismissed Gen. MacArthur. The Korean War remained a stalemate, with little exchange of territory on the Korean Peninsula, until July 10, 1951, when UN and North Korean forces agreed to begin armistice negotiations at Kaesong. The armistice negotiations were terminated by the Communist forces on August 22. A series of limited targeted attacks were then launched to improve the defensive posture of the U.S. Eighth Army. The U.S. X Corps and the ROK I Corps in central and eastern Korea fought for terrain targets (such as Bloody Ridge and Heartbreak Ridge) about 8 km to 11 km above the Kansas line in order to drive the North Koreans from positions that would favor an attack on the Kansas line. the last week of October 1951. By the last week of October 1951, these targets were secured. On October 25, as the bloody standoff continued along the 38th parallel on the Korean peninsula, armistice negotiations between the Communist Party delegation and the UN delegation resumed at a new location in Panmunjom.