
In Salisbury, Rhodesia, nationalist guerrillas operating in the Inyanga Mountains near the border with Mozambique rounded up and gunned down 27 tea plantation workers late on December 19, 1976; the wives and families of the 27 stared down at the bodies of their relatives, who had been killed in the massacre of a tea plantation worker in the mountains of the Inyanga Mountains near the border with Mozambique.

  One of the targets of terrorists in the African Rhodesian War were African workers on white-owned plantations. African workers were considered traitors, and in 1976, 27 workers were rounded up and gunned down on a tea plantation near the Mozambique border. Families of the African workers stared in horror. In Salisbury, Rhodesia, nationalist guerrillas operating in the Inyanga Mountains near the border with Mozambique rounded up and shot 27 tea plantation workers late on December 19, 1976. The wives and families of the 27 cruelly gunned down stared at the corpses of their relatives. According to the Rhodesian security forces, nationalist guerrillas took the tea plantation workers to another tea plantation where they were killed.

 The Rhodesian Bush War was a civil war that took place between July 1964 and December 1979 in Rhodesia, an unrecognized UN country. The civil war pitted three opposing forces in the conflict. The three forces were in conflict with each other: the Rhodesian government forces led by Ian Smith, the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army, the military wing of the Zimbabwe African National Union led by Robert Mugabe, and the Zimbabwean People's Revolutionary Army of Joshua Nkomo's Zimbabwe African People's Union. This civil war and the subsequent internal reconciliation signed by Smith and Muzorewa in 1978 brought an end to minority white rule in Rhodesia with the holding of universal elections in June 1979. The country was renamed Zimbabwe Rhodesia under a black majority government. However, this new order failed to gain international recognition, and the civil war continued.

 In December 1979, negotiations between the government of Zimbabwe and Rhodesia, the British government, and a united “Patriotic Front” of Mugabe and Nkomo took place at Lancaster House in London, where the Lancaster House Agreement was signed. Temporarily returning to British rule, new elections were held under British and Commonwealth supervision in March 1980. The Zimbabwe African National Liberation Union (ZANU) won these elections, and Mugabe became Zimbabwe's first prime minister on April 18, 1980, achieving international recognition and independence. According to Rhodesian government statistics, between 1964 and 1982, a total of 20,000 to 30,000 people were killed, including more than 2,000 Rhodesian soldiers, 15,000 guerrillas, 10,590 black citizens, and 1,247 white citizens.


Chinese Kuomintang security forces hung the head of 42-year-old Ding Xishan, a Chinese Communist guerrilla leader, from a city wall in February 1948 and made it public. A silent crowd gathered around the dead body of the Communist guerrilla.





The Germans shot and killed about 200 Soviet prisoners of war in Pyatigorsk, Soviet Union. The Germans left the bodies of the Soviet POWs lying in state until then so that their relatives could come to bury the bodies.


 第二次世界大戦の東部戦線にて、1942年8月9日にドイツ軍は、ロシア南部の北コーカサス地方に位置するピャチゴルスクを占領した。アインザッツグルッペ Dの本部は1942年にピャチゴルスクにあった。ドイツ軍の占領はこの地域の多くのユダヤ人住民の殺害をもたらした。1943年1月11日にソ連軍が、ピャチゴルスクを解放した。

